Thanks to our sponsors!

The Allsport Cup is BACK!

A 3v3 Soccer Tournament

March 29, 2025 – Registration CLOSES 3/27 at Midnight

Join us for a day of 3v3 soccer, food, music, and general mayhem. 

Youth Divisions: All-gender recreational and competitive divisions U9/10, U11/12, U13/14. Youth games starting in the afternoon 2 or 3PM, depending on enrollment numbers.

Adult Divisions: All-gender recreational and competitive divisions. $600 Allsport gift card for the winning team in the Competitive Division and $200 in Recreational Division! Adult games starting early evening. Youth 15+ welcome in the adult divisions.

Fee Per Team:$180 per team (as low as $30 per person)

Team Size: 3-6 players

Uniforms: No need to get fancy, but it’s a lot easier to find your teammates when they’re wearing the same color. Costumes are fun too, just sayin’.

Format: Teams will play at least 4 round-robin matches of 12 minutes in the initial round. Top teams will advance to a single elimination bracket. Winners leave with their pride intact and a way-cool t-shirt.

Time: Afternoon and evening of March 29th (Youth starting early afternoon and adults late afternoon) Details coming soon.

Prizes: Sweet Jerseys for all winning teams, Trophies for winning youth teams, $600 Allsport credit for winning Adult Competitive Division teams, and $200 Allsport credit for winning Adult Recreational Division teams.

Music: Yup, our superstar DJ, Will, will be back to bring some high-energy fun.

We have limited team spots, so round up your buddies, massage out the knots, and get registered today.

The Allsport Cup

A 3v3 Soccer Tournament Fundraiser

April 6, 2024 – Registration CLOSES 4/4 at Midnight

Join us for a day of 3v3 soccer, food, music, and general mayhem. We’ll use the proceeds to support the Holyoke Safe Neighborhood Initiative, and you get to feel good while you sweat.

Youth Divisions: All-gender recreational and competitive divisions U9/10, U11/12, U13/14, High School. Youth games starting in the afternoon 2 or 3PM, depending on enrollment numbers.

Adult Divisions: All-gender recreational, intermediate, and competitive divisions. $600 Allsport gift card for the winning teams! Adult games starting early evening.

Donation Per Team: $150

Team Size: 3-6 players

Group 1 – U9/10 & U11/12 Competitive
Arrive: 1:30 PM
Pool Play: 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Playoffs: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM  (Top 4 Teams)

Group 2 – U12/13 Recreational, U13/14 Competitive, & U13/14 Recreational
Arrive: 3:30 PM
Pool Play: 4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Playoffs: 6:30 PM – 7:15 PM  (Top 4 Teams)

Group 3 – Adult Intermediate & Adult Competitive
Arrive: 7:00 PM
Pool Play: 7:30 PM – 9:15 PM
Playoffs: 9:15 PM – 10:00 PM  (Top 4 Teams)

Uniforms: No need to get fancy, but it’s a lot easier to find your teammates when they’re wearing the same color. Costumes are fun too, just sayin’.

Format: Teams will play at least 4 round-robin matches of 12 minutes in the initial round. Top teams will advance to a single elimination bracket. Winners leave with their pride intact and a way-cool t-shirt.

Time: Afternoon and evening of April 6th (Youth starting early afternoon and adults late afternoon) Details coming soon.

Music: Yup, we’re upping our game and bringing in some high-energy, live music late in the day. Truly Medley Deeply is volunteering their brilliance.

We have limited team spots, so round up your buddies, massage out the knots, and get registered today.

Second Session Registration opens December 3, 2021. Priority given to Session 1 teams in good standing.

S2 Week 1 Schedules Posted
(Still spots for some teams & individuals for those who haven’t registered yet, but hurry.)

We do NOT close due to weather events, except in very rare circumstances. We understand that we’re just playing games and don’t expect you to venture out if you’re uncomfortable. However, we will be unable to make up missed games due to weather (we just don’t have space in our schedule). Come play!

Closed for the Summer

Registration opens in September for play starting in late October. Join our email list to be notified when registration opens, eat more ice cream, and we’ll see you soon.

We take rental bookings for the 24/25 season starting on August 1.

Please be sure to show up at your group’s designated time (regardless of your game schedule). We need teams in early to complete the check-in process. 
